The Story

Ancient and dilapidated foodie weirdo.

Eating Vincent Price is a luxurious pop-up dinner with menus derived from A Treasury of Great Recipes, by Vincent and Mary Price, circa 1965. We endeavor to build menus based on individual restaurants featured in the Treasury, employing professional chefs to develop the recipes, bringing each dish fifty years forward into a more contemporary style.

Eating Vincent Price was developed from a book project by Bull Garlington, an award-winning author from Chicago.

Garlington first encountered the Treasury in his early childhood, after his father, Bull Garlington Sr. purchased the book at the little five points bookstore in Birmingham, AL where they lived in 1965.

An avid reader, Garlington devoured the book not even knowing its author, Vincent Price, was an actor. When Bull Sr. passed in 2003, Garlington inherited the Treasury and has been studying this extraordinary publication ever since.